"My experience with Lisa has increased my confidence and helped me to move forward knowing I am acting professionally and respectfully in all matters. Lisa is a wealth of knowledge for many different needs within a business and would be an excellent coaching choice for an individual or business. I 100% recommend her services."

Mandy Bacon, Former Assistant General Manager, Crystal Cove Resort, Tofino, B.C.


Lisa and I met during a period of transition and turbulence in my life. With her support and coaching I was able to make some decisions that allowed me to have greater financial freedom, more work life balance and the courage to pursue a new career that I had always dreamed of doing. She also helped me manage interpersonal relationships and improve my marriage and to be an active member in my community. I would highly recommend Lisa for anyone who is looking to transform their lives.

Lisa M. Langley, B.C.

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Lisa’s support helped me find the courage to leave a bad relationship and be on my own as a single Mom. I have since found a new relationship and am stronger than ever.

Mission, B.C.


Lisa’s example gave my daughter the strength to face a new and challenging experience, which she came through brilliantly.

‘A Grateful Mom’ Maple Ridge, B.C.